Viewing sections with the EM
This is one in a series of web pages offered as an aide to electron
microscopists, with emphasis on the special requirements of
neuroscience studies. The purpose of this page is to provide a few
tips for the examinatin of serial thin sections with the electron
- When first viewed with the EM, sections on a slot grid should be
"cooked" for ~4 minutes by running a partially spread beam over all
parts of the slot using a low magnification such as 1,500 X. This
makes the preparation more stable and tear-resistant and is
especially useful when working with older microscopes (circa
- When searching for a structure visible with the light microscope,
relate the EM to the LM picture by using a 1 micron section taken
from the blockface as an intermediary. Blood vessels, visible in the
block, on the 1 micron section and in the EM make good reference
- Keep in mind that the section as it appears in the EM may be a
mirror image of the view provided by the light microscope.
This page prepared by Ed. White who believes electron
microscopy is a reasonable vocation if you're interested in synaptic
organization. For questions or clarifications contact Ed. White at:
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